In order to safe guard yourself and your family against the evil desires of sexual predators, it is important for you to know how to check if a registered sex offender lives around your area. It has been noted that individuals who have committed a sexually motivated crime are very likely to commit a similar crime again. Due to the existence of this possibility, it is very important that you know how to avoid such criminals.
Who is a sex offender in Ohio?
You will be able to find a full list of laws that the state of Ohio uses to deal with sex offender over here:
An individual who has pleaded guilty or has been convicted of committing a sexually motivated crime and is very likely to commit more of such crimes is defined as a Sexual Predator in the State of Ohio. There are two major classifications of sexual predators. First one being, the individual is convicted of a sexually violent crime. Secondly, if an individual has been tried in a sentencing court for a sexual predator as per O.R.C. 2950.09 and is declared by the court as a sexual predator.
These offenders will be required to undergo various registrations and verification all through thier life. However, this can be changed if a court terminates of modifies the designation of sexual predator applied to these individuals. They are subject to community or neighbor notification and this reporting should be done after every 90 day’s interval.
Offenders who are convicted or have pleaded guilty to a sexually motivated crime and have also been convicted or have pleaded guilty to a sexually motivated crime in the past are defined as Habitual Sex Offenders in the State of Ohio. These offenders will be subject to verification or registration on an annual basis, for up till twenty years after their release. However, it is for the judge to decide whether the offender should be made subject to the verification or registration.
Offenders who are not designated as habitual sex offender or as a sexual predator, but have pleaded guilty to or have been convicted to a sexually motivated crime are known as sexually oriented offenders in the State of Ohio. They are subject to verification or registration requirements on a yearly basis up to ten years after there release.
The penalty for the offender who fails to register is decided as per the sexual offense committed. Once an offender is registered, then regardless of the location of the offense he or she will be added to the national, regional and local databases. The sexual offenders in Ohio are registered through Electronic Sex Offender Registration and Notification database AKA E-SORN. This database is regulated by the office of Attorney General and is meant to be the one stop location for people to search for sex offenders from all over the 88 counties. This database is updated by the Sheriffs offices, who update it for their specific area on a regular basis.
Where to Search for Sex offenders in Ohio?
In order to search for registered sex offenders in Ohio, you will need to go to this link: . Over here you can search for sex offenders by the area, by their name, by the city of residence and also for published non compliant offenders. In order to search by area, you will need to input the address of the location around which you want to look for. A point to remember here is that, all the fields that have red* are required, without which the search cannot be initiated.
While viewing the results, you can change the radius of distance any time. You will see the total number of offenders in the area you searched, above the interactive map. You can access the summary of each offender by clicking on the orange bubble on the map. However, if you would like to get detailed information of an offender you can click on the picture or name of the offender or also the icon for “View Details” can be used for the same.
You can also search by the first or last name. And in case you want to search by the city, type in the name of the city. To see a list of non compliant offenders simply click on the non-compliant tab, located at the top of the form and then click on “click here” right next to “Search for Non-compliant offenders:” and you will get a list of them over there.
If you would like to search for a specific offender in your area or simply want a list of offenders in your parish or county, you can select the option “Other Search Options” located at the right of the page.